Chapter 40: Nuclei

Study Plan

With the concepts of this chapter, we can consider such questions as:

  • Why does fission release energy, and what is the amount of energy released per fission? (Section 40.5, pages 1377 and 1376)
  • What are the penetrating radiations produced in nuclear reactions, and how are they produced? (Section 40.3, page 1365; and Example 5, page 1371)
  • What is the energy of the penetrating radiation released in the fission of uranium? (Example 3, page 1367)
  • A typical reactor releases a power of 1200 MW. How much uranium does this consume per year? (Example 7, page 1382)


  1. Prepare for lecture by reading the assigned sections from Chapter 40 in your textbook or ebook. This will provide an organizing framework for concepts introduced in lecture, and help you take better notes.
  2. Take the checkup quiz and work the Checkup questions in your textbook to assess your understanding of basic concepts. Take note of any topics you need to review further.
  3. Review the Examples from your textbook. These progress from simple to complex, and provide concrete illustrations of the concepts discussed.
  4. Review the Problem Solving Techniques box on Nuclear Reactions (page 1371) from your textbook.


  1. Re-read Chapter 40 and review your lecture notes.
  2. Access the Online Concept Tutorials given for this chapter. Tutorials use animation and interactive exercises to help develop your understanding of fundamental topics.
    Radioactive Decay
    Sections: 40.3, 40.4
  3. Use the FlashCards to test your memory for new key terms and equations.
  4. Work the end of chapter Problems and Review Problems assigned by your instructor. If your instructor has assigned SmartWork online homework, login from the right navigation pane.


  1. Throughout the text Physics in Practice boxes explore real-world applications of core concepts in specific detail. In Chapter 40 see:
    Concept in Context Physics in Practice: Radioactive Dating
  2. Physics in the News offers additional real-world physics applications, and a daily dose of science-based news.

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