Explain the significance of the following:
1. "containment"
2. German Democratic Republic
3. Common Market
4. Federal Republic of Germany
5. Warsaw Pact
6. "peaceful coexistence"
7. Cominform
9. Berlin Crisis of 1948
10. NATO
11. Truman Doctrine 12. Marshall Plan
13. Khmer Rouge
14. Viet Cong
15. Kampuchea
Match the work, movement or idea in column I with the individual column II. Click the Key for the proper answer.
1. The Tin Drum
A. Andy Warhol
2. abstract expressionism
B. Ingmar Bergman
3. "pop" art
C. Jackson Pollock
4. post-war film
D. Claude Lévi -Strauss
5. structuralism
E. Günter Grass
1. Secretary of Party Central Committee.
2. Liberal leader of Czechoslovakia, defeated by Soviets in 1948.
3. U.S. Secretary of State who negotiated a treaty with Franco.
4. Anti-Stalinist leader of Poland.
5. Soviet premier after Stalin.
6. Leader of Yugoslavia.
7. Socialist Leader of Labour Party in Britain.
8. Liberal Premier of Canada.
9. Czech leader crushed by Soviets in 1968.
10. Leader of Solidarity movement in Poland.
11. Chancellor of W. Germany in early 70s.
12. Chancellor of W. Germany in the 50s and early 60s.
13. Prime Minister of New Zealand and Labour Party leader.
14. Soviet Premier after Khrushchev.
15. President of the Republic of Indonesia.
16. Extremely radical communist leader of the Khmer Rouge.
17. Leader of the rebellion against French control of Viet Nam.
14. Soviet Premier after Khrushchev.

W.W. Norton
REVIEW: World Civilizations
Page created by Thomas Pearcy, Ph.D and Mary Dickson.
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Last revised June 30, 1997
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